Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hard at work on new stuff!

Wow, it's almost been a month since I moved into my new shop space and already the room is filling up with new pieces.  I'm really excited about some of the projects that are coming along and can't wait to put the finishing touches on them and get some pictures coming.
One piece about which I am very excited is a built-in wine storage piece that I designed to fit a customer's unused extra-wide closet in their dining room. The bottom half is a Cherry and Walnut cabinet with 2 doors that open to diamond bins with 2 locking center drawers in between.   The top half is singles storage for about 100 bottles of wine. when it's all done, it will really change the feel of the room and make people want to hang out longer.  The look and quality of Cherry can vary wildly with some pieces containing big knots and gooey grain so I took some time to sift through the piles of wood to find the ones with pretty, straight lines.  The warm, creamy look of the Cherry will contrast nicely with the dark depth of the Walnut top.

1 comment:

  1. I love checkin' out pictures.
    Lets see some pictures of your new studio!!!
